EMAGine’s CXL technology can be found at the CSO Italia booth (G91) and at the Schwind eye-tech solutions booth (E10). Booth booths are located in Hall 8.0.

CXL sem limites

Descubra o futuro da do crosslinking

Luz pulsada e contínua

Para diversas configurações de ceratocone e ceratites infecciosas.

Perfil ajustado à espessura

O perfil do feixe fornece mais energia à periferia corneal.

Bateria de última geração

Projetado para durar milhares de tratamentos.

Acessível a cadeiras de rodas

Trate pessoas em cadeiras de rodas com comodidade

Encaixe para lâmpada de fenda

Para CXL moderno: serve em lâmpadas de fenda Haag Streit e Zeiss.

Montagem de mesa

For classic CXL: table mount accessory available.

Protocolos Integrados

Escolha entre diversos protocolos clínicos predefinidos.

Faixa de intensidades

Delivers 3, 9, 15, 18 and 30 mW/cm².

O dispositivo C-eye é comercializado com marcação CE para as seguintes indicações: ceratocone, ectasia pós-LASIK/PRK, degeneração marginal pelúcida, ceratite infecciosa, fusão da córnea, ceratopatia bolhosa.v


O dispositivo C-eye da EMAGine traz a tecnologia de CXL à lâmpada de fenda. Simples, eficiente e seguro, para iniciantes à usuários experientes.


Realize CXL na lâmpada de fenda. Ou use o dispositivo C-eye como qualquer outro dispositivo de CXL: com um suporte de mesa em seu centro cirúrgico. 


Você trabalha em vários locais? Leve o C-eye onde quer que vá. Carregue-o via USB-C, com o carregador do seu smartphone ou laptop.


Reduz o tempo e os custos relacionados à realização de CXL

Posso realizar o CXL em meu escritório?

E o risco de infecção?

Remember that every cross-linking procedure not only improves biomechanics, it also ?disinfects? the cornea by directly killing all micro-organisms and by inhibiting cellular replication. This is why a cornea at the end of every CXL and PACK-CXL procedure is ?sterile?. And by the way: office-based cataract surgery e office-based intravitreal injections have been performed in many thousands of cases without increased infection risk. 

O tempo não é muito longo?

Irradiation time is not too long. Current modern protocols are integrated in the C-eye device and treat in as little as 10 minutes (CXL) and 4 minutes (PACK-CXL). See the published approach aqui.

O CXL funciona na posição sentada?

We need 3 elements for successful cross-linking: UV light, oxygen and riboflavin. Both UV light and oxygen do not ?care? whether the patient is laying down or sitting. As for riboflavin, published research shows that riboflavin concentration is stable in the upright position for up to 60 minutes - much longer than we need for a CXL treatment.

O paciente está confortável?

Offer the patient the comfortable surgeon?s chair with the armrest and take the extra time to ensure that the patient is well-adjusted. Then, the patient is very comfortable.

E a fixação do paciente?

Fixation is no issue. Offer the patient the fixation target that most slit lamps offer (for retinal examination) and the patient will keep a very steady fixation, as you can see aqui.

Find more answers in our FAQ section.

Conheça o C-Eye

A tecnologia CXL mais versátil e abrangente disponível.

Lâmpadas de fenda compatíveis

The C-eye device fits to a number of Haag-Streit and Zeiss type slit lamps. Find here the complete list of compatible slit lamps

C-EYE Procedure Kit

One Riboflavin for
Keratoconus and Keratitis


The Antibacterial Efficacy of High-Fluence PACK Cross-Linking Can Be Accelerated

The article by Lu et al. reports an in vitro study, conducted to determine whether high-fluence PACK-CXL can be accelerated while still maintaining its antibacterial efficacy. The study found that high-fluence PACK-CXL did indeed decrease the bacterial concentration of several clinically significant bacterial strains, including S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and S. epidermidis. These strains are commonly implicated in bacterial keratitis and contact lens-associated keratitis. Furthermore, the authors found that higher total fluence PACK-CXL protocols led to a corresponding increase in bacterial killing ratio (BKR).

CXL and Oxygen: Explaining the Relationship

EMAGine’s Chief Scientific Officer, Professor Farhad Hafezi of the ELZA Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, has prepared a presentation that provides a comprehensive overview of how oxygen concentration is at the center of all these decisions.

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